Kamis, 29 November 2012

The Magnificent Taj Mahal

My mom told me before I left Indonesia on November 2008. She said that I must see Taj Mahal. As I got job assignment in Gurgaon - India, for around 2 months.

While I worked in India, my boss told me that I must see Taj Mahal while I was in India. From Gurgaon to Agra took around 3.5 - 4 hours by driving. So, I set the day to prepare my day to Agra. On Sunday, by 5.00 am, me and my friends left Gurgaon by company car. The weather was quite cold, as November started winter time in India. We left early in the morning, due to, we want to avoid traffic jam. Our prediction that we will reach Agra by 9 am

We used highway road on the way to Agra, but I saw lots carts use the highway road. Like camel cart, horse cart, three wheels vehicle or even oto with full packed of passengers. It was so surprisingly. We stopped by at a restaurant to have our breakfast. I ordered samosa with curry sauce. Basically, the taste was almost the same like Indonesian food and I liked them.

    My samosa with curry sauce

After finished our breakfast, we went outside to reach our car back. Outside the restaurant, I saw a father and his daughter were wearing local cloths. They were dancing and asking some money. We had photo sessions with them and I saw the girl dance while her father played local instrument.

    Local dancers with 3 of us

We continued our trip to Agra. Lots of thing, we saw on the way to Agra.

    Oto with full of passengers
    Intersection on highway road

By around 9.30 am, we reached Agra City. We passed Agra Fort where Shah Jahan - Mughal Emperor - stayed. At last, we reached Taj Mahal car park area. Local government didn't allow any car close to taj Mahal. They have to avoid the pollution from Taj Mahal. There were 3 options to reach Taj Mahal gate. 1st by walking, 2nd by Camel Cart and 3rd using green vehicle. And we decided to walk.

The west gate was so many people. Due to, this gate close to car park, so many visitors were coming from this car park. We needed to extra walk to find quite entrance gate. We passed through south gate, which this gate was the main gate. So, we walked again to east gate. Quite and not so many visitors.

Price for foreigner was Rs 750, while for local people was around Rs 25. Only foreigner will get shoe cover and small mineral water.    

    Taj Mahal as my background

I'd like to inform if you want to visit Taj Mahal, don't bring big back with many stuff inside. They have deposit counter to keep your stuff. You may bring camera, cellphone, passport and money. The security check was so details. As, the police will do body check. I know why the check was so tight, due to, Taj Mahal was UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983. So, India government has work hard to keep Taj Mahal. I still remembered when I was there, there was a terrorism happened at Taj Hotel Mumbay. That's why in strategic place in India, the checking was so tight by the police.

At last, I entered the gate and still need to pass through the great gate. At the end, I saw the famous white mausoleum in the world. It's so beautiful. I can't say a word. Amazing, Incredible and so on.
The famous spot was the bench when Princess Diana sat on that bench. Lots of people queue.

It's turn to wear shoe cover and for local people they have to took off their shoes and place their shoes on shoe rack. It's a mandatory rule when we will enter the main building of Taj Mahal.

                      Shoe cover

There were 4 minarets near the Tomb. Mosque on the left side (west side) and the guest house on right side (east side). The calligraphy on the wall was created by highly taste. I couldn't imagine on that time, people may created something with incredible. And time for me to entered the tomb room. There was a signboard, that we couldn't take photo while inside. The two tombs inside were artificial. The original tombs were placed underground. The room was quite dark and we needed to walk slowly, as lots of people inside the room.

After that we went out to take fresh air at the back of Taj Mahal. Behind Taj Mahal was Yamuna River. I saw unfinished foundation of Black Taj. At that time, Shah Jahan was going to establish his own mausoleum. It called Black Taj. But, his son jailed him at Agra Fort. His son thought, his father spent lots of money when build Taj Mahal.

    Yamuna river and Black Taj from far

That's all my story about Taj Mahal. I have been there for 3 times. And I love this place. My next plan to visit at night time especially on Full Moon time. You never been to India if you never see Taj Mahal. It's very recommended.

Senin, 26 November 2012

I am a Blind Traveler

I am not truly blind. And I am not writing about James Holman - the famous blind traveler from England

I don't really make a plan for my holiday. Maybe it's around 30%. I am just preparing my holiday for the thing that I want to do or visit

One day, I only had a return plane ticket and I had booked a hotel in Kuta - Bali on my hand. Once I reached my hotel, directly, I went out to find a motorbike rental shop. I rented a motorbike for 2 days. I spent my time by see around eastern and southern Bali. I followed my feeling intuition. And I found many something new in Bali, which I never seen it before

Pulau Ubin in Singapore ? I just heard that there was an original kampong in Singapore. So, when I was in Singapore, I visited this island alone. Explore the island by rental bike. I was surprised when I found Kampung Jawa include the old cemetery. This island was famous with their granite mining. Eventhough, the mining was closed, I can see the quarries. Around 3 hours, I spent my time in this quite island

    Pulau Ubin Pier

I still remembered when I was a boy. My parents always brought their children into some places without planning. We had visited many tourism places in Java. Started with the nearest places in Malang and then continued to other provinces.

So, I always think that I will always find something new on my holiday. I don't need to worry. I don't need to create many plan but at the end, I will not fulfill it. At least, by set 30% of my holiday plan, I have to it make it 100% come true.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

Traveling with friends ?

Travelling with friends ?

Sure ... why not

Honestly, I don't really like to have traveling with friends. Because, I am just like a solitaire person. But sometimes, I have to deal with this kind of situation. I do love to explore some places by myself rather than with friends.

I have some tips when I must have traveling with my friends

1. Ego
I have to lower down my ego when since the time, I set my traveling time with friends. Before and on the traveling time. I don't want to ruin my traveling time by a small thing.My friends may not have their ego too. They still need to lower down their ego. Just like mine.

2. Discussion
This is very important for me. Before the day, I need to know what kind of things my friends would like to see and do. So, I can do an adjustment for my time. At the same, I inform them my "me time" to them. I still need my time for myself. Discussion may relate with fees, transportation, hotel, etc. The deal must be agreed by all.

3. Communication
This is a very important thing. I don't think on traveling time, I don't speak to other person. Whatever thing happened, a communication is still a good way to solve the problems. I don't think I'd like to have my traveling time with dumb people.

    Traveling at Pramuka Island

That's the 3 things based on my opinion. The most important thing for me before I have traveling my friends. How about you ?