Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Phi Phi Island and the other islands

At last, I visited Phi Phi Island and the most famous Ma Ya Bay

Yes, it was on Saturday morning in December - me, my mom and my friend - stayed at a hotel in Krabi town. The hotel owner provided us local sticky rice with warm thai tea for our breakfast. By around 7.30 am, a minivan picked us up. Some tourist already inside the van. Then the van continued to another hotel to pick up some tourist too. The last tourist was a Japanese guy.

We stopped in front of a small travel office. I just realized that morning lots of tourist will go to Phi Phi island and other island. And I just knew that beach called Ao Nang Beach. A "lady" came to me and said Good Morning. He was so nice and so polite. He asked me to write on a paper, our name and our nation. And she told me to passed the paper to other tourist with blue sticker on chest. Some tourists were with blue and red sticker. Blue sticker will go by private speed boat while red sticker will go by long tail boat.

By 9 am, we left Ao Nang beach. The capacity of the boat is around for 20 people. Include 1 boat driver, 1 guide and 1 helper. They introduced themselves so nicely. He told us not to stand on the boat, as quite dangerous. So, we need to sit down all the times. The guide said if we want to take some photo in good spot, he will inform us.

Our first island was Bamboo Island. We passed Chicken Island. There was a high rock looked like a chicken from far. That's why the island called chicken island. Within 30 minutes, we reached Bamboo Island. But I don't see bamboo on this island, but lots of beach pines in everywhere.

    Three of us on Bamboo Island

Only 20 minutes, we spent the time in this island. The trip continued to Pirates Island. Lots of people lived in this island. They stayed inside the cave and they were living there for years already. Their original job was fisherman. But I don't know why people called the island with Pirates. As pirates supposedly always do rob all ships. What a name

    Pirates Island

The boat continued to another side of island. The boat went into a cape. Very quite place and beautiful, it's like a hidden cape. Some tourist were swimming in this cape. Our boat only spent for 10 minutes in this place. Due to, this spot was protected. So, not so many people may have snorkeling.

    Hidden cape in Pirates Island

We had our snorkeling time in the other side of the island. It's OK. The spot was so good and nice. Facing direct to high seas. Lots of fish came to us by threw breads. The snorkeling time was only 30 minutes.

The journey continued to the most famous spot in Phi Phi, it was Ma Ya Bay. Less than 15 minutes, our boat reached the island. The guide told us that we only had 30 minutes in this Ma Ya Bay. As, that time was high season. So many boats were queue there to enter Ma Ya Bay. If it in low season, we can stay longer and enjoy every single moment.

Once, we reached Ma Ya Bay, we went to toilet. Need to have pee. On the way to toilet, lots of good spot.  Include the signboard about tsunami. The direction board was so clear and understandable.
I remembered the movie "The Beach". Starred by Leonardi Di Caprio. Made this island became so famous. Eventhough, in the movie, the lagoon just like surrounded by rock hill, but actually it's an open bay. This island provided some bungalows, so we can feel the experience like in "The Beach".

    Ma Ya Beach

    My lovely mom

    Ma Ya Bay

The trip continued to monkey island. Due to, lots of monkey over there. But, many bananas just scattered on the sand. I thought the monkeys been fulled with banana.

    Monkey Island

Actually, monkey island was still part of the biggest island - Phi Phi Island. Now, it's time to have our lunch at Phi Phi Island. The tour guide said we can find moslem village in this island. Moslem was the major religion in this island. Their ancestors were from Malaysia. So, the food will always halal on the island. No need to worry for moslem tourists.

Our lunch time provided in to buffet. So, we can have our buffet as much as we wanted. But I didn't eat much for my lunch. In this island, we only got 1.5 hours. The guide told us to wait for them at another main pier.
After we had our lunch, we walked to the main pier. On the way to main pier, we passed through the market. I bought some t-shirts for my sibling. My mom bought local shawl for herself.

    The main pier at Phi Phi Island

While we were waiting for our boat and other passengers, the hard rain was down. We had to find a shelter.
After the rain stopped, we continued our trip. Not far from the main island, our boat stopped near an atoll. We had snorkeling time again. But I didn't do snorkeling. Due to, the weather was so cold. The snorkeling time was around 15 minutes, due to, the rain will come again. On the boat, the guide peeled off some pineapples and water melon. The fruits were provided for us. Having fruits for refreshment.

Time for us to leave Phi Phi Island. The hard rain was coming again. And the waves were so high. Poor to some young men tourist, due to, 4 of them must sit on the front of the boat. The boat needed some people in the front. If not, our boat will get capsized. The journey was seemed so long. As, the boat driver must handled the boat and the waves too. My mom was so frightened. I had my personal pray to get saved. After 1.5 hours long, we passed Chicken Island. It meant, it closed to Ao Nang Beach. Yup, I saw Ao Nang Beach. We reached the beach safely.

The trip was so amazing, incredible and so frighten too. Good experience.
The van will drop us again to our hotel. My advice, any tourist may go there on low season. The price will be so cheap, less tourist, more time to enjoy Ma Ya Bay, low wave and no rain.

One of my dream came true

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